When I arrive to assess your beloved equine companion, it's like stepping into a puzzle-filled adventure or a scene from a thrilling CSI episode. Every step involves unraveling the intricate threads of what, how, why, and when. It's a true art of deduction, akin to finding the missing pieces in a complex jigsaw puzzle, particularly when faced with muscle issues – or is it something else?
Picture this: a crime scene. The horse's body holds the clues. Which muscles are sending signals of distress? Is the pain truly originating from the suspected muscle, or is it a neighboring muscle compensating for the real issue? What was the horse engaged in, and is it a normal behavior? What role did the rider play? Could external factors have contributed? It's a process that mirrors the meticulous investigation of a crime.
This same investigative process applies to both physical and mental challenges your horse might face. Imagine peeling back the layers of a mystery, breaking it down into manageable parts, and composing a methodical strategy for resolution.
Let's delve into two examples: one physical and the other mental.
Example One: Physical Puzzle
Imagine receiving a call about a horse with suspected kissing spine due to reluctance in cantering. I conduct a comprehensive assessment and find no evidence of kissing spine or pain indicators. A slight stiffness in the gluteal region emerges, and I guide the owner on methods to enhance suppleness. Still, the cantering issue persists.
Here's where the questions come in:
When was the last saddle fitting?
Does the cantering discomfort occur in a particular direction or both?
Which lead leg is the horse struggling with?
What tack is being used?
The owner's answers are crucial, but sometimes uncertainty prevails. In this scenario, the horse was being lunged without tack. Is this pent-up energy impacting performance?
My solution:
Lunge the horse in both directions without tack.
Note any reactions, if present.
Gradually introduce tack, starting with the saddle pad.
Repeat lunging in both directions, assessing reactions.
If needed, proceed to saddle introduction and monitor for responses.
By pinpointing the point of reaction, the troublesome tack is identified. The investigation doesn't end there – uncovering the root cause behind the tack issue becomes the next challenge.

Example Two: Mental Mystery
In another instance, a client's horse exhibits stifle issues traced back to the gluteal and point of hip. A significant incident surfaces: the owner came off the horse, who subsequently bolted, dragging her with foot caught in stirrups. The horse's changed behavior puzzles her.
Instead of resorting to conventional solutions, the owner digs deeper. They strip away the tack, exploring for soreness – a dead-end. Then, an aha moment: the horse reacts when a friend's arm is placed over his midsection. This reaction stems from associating the arm with the traumatic fall.
The solution emerges:
Gradual desensitization to the arm movement.
Introducing tack positively to prevent regression.
This revelation shifts the focus from forcing compliance to understanding and addressing the underlying mental distress.
In both scenarios, the central theme is investigation – a CSI-like approach. Just as you wouldn't force someone traumatized by a car accident into another vehicle, your horse's reactions demand thoughtful analysis and compassionate responses.
So, next time your equine companion presents an issue, don your CSI cap. Delve into the puzzle, uncover the layers, and craft a solution that respects both the physical and mental aspects of your horse's well-being. Remember, every mystery holds the potential for growth and deeper connection with your four-legged partner.